Contributing solutions to public health, climate action, and other challenges.(繁体)
Our Impact
I count on CUSEF to make your voice of reason heard, pool wisdom, and make new contributions to bring China-U.S. elations back to the track of healthy, stable, and sustainable development.
Ambassador Xie Feng
Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to the United States of America
Organizations like CUSEF that are dedicated to building mutual understanding... play an important role in bolstering people-to-people ties between our two countries.
Ambassador Nicholas Burns
Ambassador of the United States of America to the People’s Republic of China
CUSEF provides opportunities for dialogue which are critical to the landscape. It provides a forum through which the two sides continue to engage, continue to talk, and continue to try and work toward the resolution of issues.
Ambassador Charlene Barshefsky
Chairman, National Committee on U.S.-China Relations 12th United States Trade Representative
CUSEF has played a unique and influential role in supporting non-governmental dialogue and exchanges between China and the international community, especially the United States. This is exactly what is needed in a world currently facing challenges and divisions
Ambassador Fu Ying
Chairman, Foreign Affairs Committee, National People’s Congress Former Vice Foreign Minister, People’s Republic of China
CUSEF delivers on its mission. It has been instrumental in sustaining relations even in despondent times, and stability and respect to prevail. I am grateful and commend its efforts.
Ambassador Cui Tiankai
Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to the United States of America (2013-2021)
How we manage this relationship is going to help determine the lives of our kids and our grandkids. And CUSEF is doing a great job in helping make sure we manage that properly, and correctly.
Ambassador and Senator Max Baucus
Ambassador of the United States of America to the People’s Republic of China (2014-2017)
Jimmy Carter’s post-presidential legacy, defined by his decency and global service, positions him as perhaps the best ex-president in American history. And his pivotal role in U.S.-China relations, particularly in normalizing diplomatic ties, remains a key chapter in shaping the future of both nations.
America’s best-laid plans to change China have clearly failed over the decades. The question now is whether Donald Trump can rise above that history and meet China on its own terms. If not, the incoming occupant of the White House will sadly preside another failed episode of fruitless U.S. ambitions to conquer China.
Pandas are returning to the US this summer, continuing decades-long exchange between China and the US. Tasmin Little shares the importance of sharing culture and a love of these furry creatures.